Weather in Wales
Weather Charts
Check the meteorological records.
This month's charts – December 2024
Previous weather charts - click on links in tables....
Technical Notes
Temperature charting commenced on 5th May 2001; rainfall charting commenced on 18th August 2002; charting of additional data commenced on 1st January 2010.
The weather station sensors are located in an exposed position above the roof of my garage (right). Data from the in-house base unit are normally noted every morning, charted (using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet), and then uploaded onto the website.
- On 23 July 2021, a new Youshiko YC9387 Wi-Fi Weather Station was installed, replacing the existing Oregon Scientific WMR88 Wireless Pro Weather Station, which had failed after seven years' service, and the Oregon Scientific PCR800 Rain Gauge. I began displaying data from the new equipment on my Weather in Wales webpages on 24 July 2021.
- On 31 March 2015, a new Oregon Scientific PCR800 Rain Gauge rain-meter was installed, purchased from Mendip Weather. All other parameters are measured with the Oregon Scientific WMR88 Wireless Pro Weather Station.
- From 20 January 2014 until 31 December 2014, all parameters were measured with an Oregon Scientific WMR88 Wireless Pro Weather Station purchased from Maplin.
- From 24 November 2012 until January 2014, rainfall was measured with a TFN Wireless Rain Meter KW-9015 purchased from
- From 1st January 2010 until January 2014, windchill, humidity, barometric pressure and windspeed data were recorded using a WS-1613-IT Professional Weather Center designed and developed by La Crosse Technology of Wisconsin, USA, and purchased from Canadian Tire, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Maximum and minimum temperatures were recorded using an Oregon Scientific MTR101 thermometer purchased from Maplin Electronics of Barnsley, England.
- Prior to November 2012, rainfall was measured with a TechnoLine Wireless Rain Monitor WS-7038 purchased from Diamond Sundial of Warrington, England. The Diamond Sundial website is no longer accessible (Feb 2022).